
Defending against phishing attacks in cloud computing using digital watermarking

Sasidhar Attuluri, Mona Ramesh, Raja Rao Budaraju, Sumit Kumar, Jhum Swain, Jitendra Kurmi, Bhupati Bhupati


Cloud computing is an important aspect for cloud security using digital watermarking. Digital watermarking is a technique used to embed information into digital content such as images, audio, or video, for various purposes including copyright protection, authentication, and tamper detection. While digital watermarking itself is not a direct solution for cloud security, it can be used as a component of a broader security strategy. Conveying information concentrated work processes in the cloud carries new factors to be considered during detail and planning. The cloud planning work process under asset distribution is essentially difficult because of the computational power of the work process, the reliance among assignments, and the heterogeneity of cloud assets. Phishing is a sort of friendly designing attack routinely used to take individual information, alongside login qualifications and FICO rating card numbers. Acknowledge potential challenges associated with the implementation of digital watermarking in the cloud, such as algorithm strength, scalability, and evolving security threats. Emphasize the importance of regular updates and assessments to maintain the effectiveness of watermarking techniques. The proposed ODWS Algorithm (Optimized digital watermarking Security system) performs higher in compression to the previously developed based algorithms for securing the cloud services. Watermarking can be integrated with encryption key management systems. Watermarks may contain information about the encryption keys used to protect the data. This can add an extra layer of security, as unauthorized access attempts without the correct keys would be evident through the absence of incorrect watermark information. The need for encryption for cloud services using the internet. It’s important to note that while digital watermarking can enhance security, it should be used in conjunction with other security measures such as encryption, access controls, and regular security audits. Additionally, the effectiveness of digital watermarking depends on the specific implementation and the strength of the watermarking algorithm used. Regular updates and assessments of the watermarking technique are essential to adapt to evolving security threats.


cloud service attacks; cloud security system; digital security of services; system security; resource security; digital security; end users; watermarking security tools

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