
Analysis of the selected business models for energy storage in the Polish Power System

Anna Wronka, Radian Karpuk


Along with the changes taking place in the power system, including the increase in share of RES generation and the increasing importance of prosumers, the importance of energy storages is increasing, which, with a further increase in share of nondeterministic generation, will become not only necessary, but also indispensable to ensure the stability in the power system. The amendment to the Energy Law and the Act on renewable energy sources of 2021 creates new opportunities in the area of energy storage, which may become a pillar of the energy transformation and the whole system. In order to make what is technically feasible, to be also feasible from the business perspective, it is necessary to define business models based on newly defined principles. The article presents the results of the financial analysis performed for six scenarios based on two types of business models of using energy storage.


energy storage; renewable energy sources; price arbitrage; financial modeling

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