
Introduction of machine learning with applications to communication system

Jambi Ratnaraja Kumar, Santoshkumar Chobe, Swati Nikam, Shrinivas Zanwar, Madhuri Borawake, Deepali Hirolikar


This research paper presents a brief introduction to the key point of Machine Learning (ML) with the application to communication systems. Due to the exceptional accessibility of software and data abilities, there is a great deal of interest in using digital information machine learning thinking to solve issues in a variety of fields. Regarding the phenomenal amount of information and computer facilities, there is a lot more interest in using content-supervised learning methods to resolve obstacles where engineering course techniques are restricted by theoretical or methodological problems. This study starts by clarifying when and why comparable strategies may well be effective. It then goes into the fundamentals of supervised and unsupervised at a high level. Where traditional engineering solutions are being developed Modelling or algorithmic flaws are posing a problem. This paper begins by answering the why and when of these questions. Such methods can be beneficial to resolve real-time problems. It then goes into the fundamentals of classification and regression problems at a world-class level. Exemplifying software to communications infrastructure is presented both for the structured and unstructured interviews by identifying roles performed first at the network’s perimeter and cloud bits at multiple levels of the internet protocol suite, with a concentration on the application layer. The core contributions of this research study are as follows: (a) this research study explores the machine learning applications in communication system and networks optimization; (b) it offers an analysis of contributions of machine learning-based anomaly detection approaches to mitigate the security threat and maintains the integrity of entire communication network; (c) additionally, this research study provides further directions for research, future trends as well as challenges including the requirement for intelligent methods for network optimization, signal processing, etc.


communication networks; communication systems; machine learning; supervised learning; unsupervised learning

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Copyright (c) 2023 Jambi Ratnaraja Kumar, Santoshkumar Chobe, Swati Nikam, Shrinivas Zanwar, Madhuri Borawake, Deepali Hirolikar

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