
Investigation of virtual reality multimedia interaction technology based on wireless network

Qing Ma


In recent years, with the continuous development of wireless communication and virtual reality technology, multimedia interaction technology has received more and more attention. However, due to the limitations of bandwidth, delay, packet loss, and other problems in wireless networks, multimedia interaction technology also faces many challenges. In this paper, the virtual reality multimedia interaction technology will be studied in combination with a wireless network, in which the virtual environment is first constructed. Then, the interaction is carried out through data transmission and user interaction, and then the existing virtual reality multimedia interaction is optimized by using a data compression algorithm. In order to test the effectiveness and performance of virtual reality multimedia interaction under different network environments and determine the optimal network environment, this paper compares the multimedia interaction effect under three network environments using a wireless network, mobile network, and Bluetooth network as the research object, with download speed, loading speed, image quality, smoothness and real-time as the test variables, and 10 VR software as the constraints. The research results indicated that, under the same other conditions, taking real-time performance as an example, the delay time and feedback speed of wireless networks were between 26 ms–37 ms and 105 KB/s–115 KB/s. The delay time and feedback speed of mobile networks (3G/4G/5G, generation) were between 66 ms–75 ms and 46 KB/s–55 KB/s, while the delay time and feedback speed of Bluetooth networks were between 120 ms–130 ms and 25 KB/s–35 KB/s; this indicated that VR multimedia interaction technology in the wireless network had better performance. Virtual reality multimedia interaction technology based on wireless networks is a promising high technology that can bring users a more realistic, vivid, and intuitive communication and entertainment experience. At the same time, it will expand the application scenarios and promote the development and progress of the technology.


virtual reality multimedia interaction technology; wireless network; loading speed; image quality; interaction fluency

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