
Intelligent solutions in education: How inclusive the Moroccan Digital Classrooms project is for different social groups

Hommane Boudine, Meriem Bentaleb, Abdelmajid Soulaymani, Driss El Karfa, Mohamed Tayebi


The global changes caused by the health crisis of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic have significantly impacted education all over the world. Schools today have had to adopt distance learning models using digital tools to ensure the continuity of educational systems in different circumstances. For this reason and to ensure the continuity of education even in the event of future disruptions in Morocco (war, pandemic, natural disaster...). The Minister of National Education for Preschool and Sport has unveiled an initiative to establish digital classrooms within the educational institutions of the Kingdom. This innovative pedagogical approach, grounded in the utilization of digital tools, is specifically designed to bolster the instruction of science subjects, (Mathematics, Physics, and Life and Earth Sciences). This digital educational transformation has emerged as a highly suitable mode of learning, catering to a diverse array of social groups, including individuals with disabilities and refugees. The primary objective of this research is to assess the influence of digital classrooms on the performance of science educators operating within the Rabat Sale Kenitra region. The intention is to gauge how this technological implementation has affected their teaching methods and overall effectiveness. Furthermore, this study seeks to gauge the progression of this educational transformation and advocate for the wider adoption of digital pedagogy, extending its incorporation into the instructional strategies of other subjects. The ultimate goal is to promote inclusivity and level the playing field for all learners, ensuring equal educational opportunities for every student.


digital classroom; flipped classroom; educational platform; pedagogical innovation; ICTE

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