
Optimizing the design and implementation of college English teacher training—Courses on Canvas platform using data mining algorithms

Yujie Bai, Suyansah Swanto, Esther Jawing


A comprehensive approach to designing and implementing college English teacher training courses on the Canvas platform by integrating data mining algorithms. Leveraging data mining techniques can significantly enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of these courses by identifying patterns, predicting outcomes, and providing valuable insights for continuous improvement. The key steps include defining clear objectives, collecting, and preprocessing relevant data, selecting appropriate data mining algorithms, engineering features, training and evaluating models, implementing predictive analytics, seeking feedback for refinement, visualizing insights, optimizing course content, addressing privacy and ethical concerns, providing training and support, and maintaining course quality. By following this systematic approach, educational institutions can harness the power of data-driven decision-making to tailor teacher training programs, improve teaching quality, and enhance the overall educational experience.


algorithms; college; data; knowledge; teacher; training

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