
Gradient integrated regression sustainable approach with machine learning towards software quality assurance

Alankrita Aggarwal, Vijay Bhardwaj, Sandeep Singh Bindra, Rajender Kumar, Preet Kamal


With the increase of enormous software suites and modules, there is a need to evaluate the cumulative quality and overall performance of newly developed modules using advanced algorithms and approaches including machine learning, statistical analysis, deep learning, and many others. In this work, the software quality assurance with the dataset’s evaluation using statistical analysis and regression integrated approach is presented. The aim is to acquire a much-enhanced acceptance of the subject matter by providing an investigation of software quality analysis using regression which is done in the last fifteen or twenty years. The combination of applying regression technique along with machine learning to outline its application sphere of influence, the type of metrics used, the application strategy, and the stage of the software development progression wherever they are useful. An outcome on or after going through around five hundred papers, a set of around more than fifty papers are unfolding the use of more than thirty software quality analysis can be identified. On the other hand, the lowest amount is given to maintain and apply software regression techniques in the industry and education. The graphical representation and the results showing the good and innovative performance of the gradient integrated regression approach with machine learning technology for increasing the quality of software.


software quality assurance; regression; machine learning; gradient integrated regression; software project management; software quality sustainable analytics

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