
HardMix: Considering Difficult Examples in Mixed Sample Data Augmentation

A. F. M. Shahab Uddin, Md Delowar Hosen, Md. Nasim Adnan, Syed Md Galib, Md. Alam Hossain, Sung-Ho Bae


Mixed sample data augmentation (MSDA) techniques enhance the generalization ability of deep learning models where the training samples and their labels are mixed to generate new samples. Those mixed (augmented) samples increase data diversity and combined with mixed labels, offer better localization and generalization ability of the model. The performance of MSDA highly depends on the selection of source patch to be mixed. Consequently, several methods, from random to careful selection of source patch using prior knowledge have been studied, to propose better augmentation strategy. We argue that besides the careful selection of the source patch, selecting the source sample from where the source patch will be cut, also plays an important role. Based on that, we propose HardMix that selects the source patch from hard samples (which are frequently being miss-classified by a model) to let the model better learn the feature of hard samples. We conduct comprehensive experiments on image classification task on several benchmark datasets using various state-of-the-art architectures to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. HardMix achieves the best known top-1 error of 3.62%, and 3.54% for ResNet-18 and ResNet-50 architectures on CIFAR-10 classification dataset, respectively. Also, it achieves the best known top-1 error of 19.33%, 18.31%, and 16.21% for ResNet-18, ResNet-50, and WideResNet architectures on CIFAR-100 classification dataset, respectively. Moreover, the proposed HardMix data augmentation strategy outperforms state-of-the-art methods with a best known top-1 error of 21.20% and 20.01% on ImageNet validation dataset when applied using ResNet-50 and ResNet-101 architectures, respectively.


HardMix; data augmentation; hard sample based data augmentation; generalization; mixed sample data augmentation; MSDA

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