
A deep learning approach for forensic handwriting analysis

Adeyinka Oluwabusayo Abiodun, Olalekan M. Awoniran, Kingsley Eghonghon Ukhurebor, Ozichi Nweke Emuoyibofarhe, Adetoye Adeyemo, Idemudia Edetalehn Oaihimire


Bayesian inference, which stems from Bayes’ theorem, has been the major means to identify and recognize forensic biometric (BMT) traits over the years. Parameter consideration for this theorem differs from one examiner to another based on their level of expertise and subjectivity. Issues have been raised concerning this way of identifying and recognizing BMT traits in the forensic environment; therefore, there is a need to apply deep learning models to the recognition and identification of these BMT traits. Hence, in this research, various deep learning algorithms were adopted for the classification of handwriting. The handwriting was divided into different classes. The convolutional neural network (CNN) employed for this research was trained from scratch and also off-the-shelf”, Support Vector Machine (SVM), Deep Neural Network (DNN), and Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) algorithms were also employed. Each of these algorithms performed well in various classes of these handwritings and gave varying performances in predicting the classes handwritings, with CNN having a 0.82 F-measure score and 96% accuracy leading, SVM having 79% accuracy, XGBoost having 73% accuracy, and DNN having 77% accuracy. However, CNN recorded the best result among the employed algorithms. Implicatively, CNN accurately predicted the class’s handwriting. The results obtained from this study will further assist in figuring out the factors that explain examiners’ determinations of sufficiency for individualization.


CNN; SVM; DNN; Bayesian inference; forensic handwriting analysis

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Copyright (c) 2024 Adeyinka Oluwabusayo Abiodun, Olalekan M. Awoniran, Kingsley Eghonghon Ukhurebor, Ozichi Nweke Emuoyibofarhe, Adetoye Adeyemo, Idemudia Edetalehn Oaihimire

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