
Integrating artificial intelligence in recruitment processes: A case study of recruitment agencies in Morocco

Houssam Baakir, Hanane Ellioua


As digital transformation shakes all foundations, companies are slowly beginning to realize the digital upheaval that is fundamentally transforming the way they engage with their global environment. In this era of digital transformation, artificial intelligence (AI) is making its discreet entry into our lives, accompanied by blockchain technology, massive data, and even the world of connected objects on the Internet. The wider implementation of artificial intelligence in corporations is supporting them in rationalizing their procedures and enhancing their productivity. Among the fields of intervention of AI within companies, human resources management (HRM) occupies a preponderant place. The incorporation of artificial intelligence into human resource management is transforming the way companies manage their employees. Artificial intelligence is now active in a multitude of management functions, interacting with different processes and transforming HRM functions such as staffing, training and development, and evaluation of performance. All these practices are now achieved with the help of artificial intelligence. This investigation is intended to understand how artificial intelligence and the recruitment process coexist in the Moroccan context. To accomplish this task, we conducted a qualitative survey with semi-structured interviews carried out with 16 recruitment consultants and Directors of recruitment agencies, all working with artificial intelligence. Our study on AI integration in Moroccan recruitment agencies indicates transformative impact, notably reducing biases in candidate selection and minimizing errors. AI streamlines processes, optimizing time efficiency in sourcing and candidate evaluation. Recruiters highlight its role in reshaping competency assessment, particularly in identifying soft skills. In conclusion, our study emphasis the transformative effect of artificial intelligence (AI) integration within Moroccan recruitment agencies. The findings underscore the substantial benefits and evolving landscape of AI in the recruitment domain, signaling a promising future for its continued integration and advancement in HRM practices.


recruitment procedure; artificial intelligence; recruitment consultants; directors of recruitment agencies; qualitative analysis

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