
QoS based meta-heuristic algorithm for path selection in the peer-to-peer network video streaming

M. Satyanarayana Reddy, P. Chenna Reddy


The P2P (peer-to-peer) networks have numerous difficulties as it pertains to video streaming. Among these, there is an absence of specific algorithms which may determine the most optimal path for data transmission and reception among nodes. This research suggests a strategy which combines the optimisation power of the PSO (particle swarm optimization) with the high speed and accuracy of an algorithm to handle this problem. The data packets needed for high-quality video streaming could be sent and received using this technique. The suggested approach considers the fact that each particle in the search field adjusts its position to find the optimal spot. By the application of programmes like MATLAB, a simulation may be run to verify this approach. The study’s findings demonstrate that the suggested strategy is more effective as compared to the alternative approaches. Additionally, it executes better than the GA meta-heuristic method.


PSO (particle swarm optimization); shortest path; video streaming; P2P networks

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