
An implementation of CNN+NLP for evaluating and impacting social media advertising

Karrar S. Mohsin, P. G. Suraj, V.P. Sriram, Minu Susan Jacob, M. Anto Bennet, Sudhakar Sengan, Pankaj Dadheech


Post-to-Facebook data have been eliminated from text and image analysis investigations on Social Media (SM) participation, which have tested techniques for predicting activity. SM has fundamentally revolutionised the marketing division by presenting a direct link to users’ inboxes. This research investigates Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DeepCNN) to determine whether these technologies can improve SMA. Advertisers can support their SMA approaches by employing earlier methods to recognise consumer demands, behaviours, and preferences. A novel technique that integrates Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing in order to improve SM awareness has the possibility of helping revolutionise on-line advertising techniques, opening the for additional studies, and setting foundations for a Decision-Making System (DMS) which includes advertising data analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI). A distinctive framework that forecasts how users behave using like count, post count, and sentiment was built utilising 500k posts on Facebook as the basis for the research investigation’s approach. Image and text data performed better than unpredictability methods, demonstrating that data fusion is essential when predicting user behaviour.


sentiment analysis; NLP; social media advertising; customer visions; machine learning; brand monitoring

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