
Unmanned aerial vehicle resilience: A new approach to fault diagnostics framework

Ashish A. Mulajkar, Varsha D. Jadhav, Dhananjay R. Dolas, S. Gowtham, Madhuri S. Bhagat, Harshal Patil, P. Satishkumar


The unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have become crucial resources for various tasks, from surveillance and tracking to environmental monitoring and responding to disasters. However, as UAV systems and their tactical surroundings get more complicated, there is a greater chance that they will malfunction or fail. A novel method for fault classifier using Genetic-Tuna Swarm Optimized Deep Neural Network (GTSO-DNN) is applied for anomaly identification. The collection of data from simulated propeller damage, Min-Max normalization for pre-processing, and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for feature extraction are all included. A UAV model integrates dynamic and propeller models built using a Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) network. Experimental findings demonstrate the GTSO-DNN’s superior performance compared to existing methods (K Nearest Neighbour, Decision Tree, Support Vector Machines) in terms of accuracy—98.51%, precision—98.7%, recall—98.9%, and F1 score—97.2%. The GTSO-DNN efficiently locates and classifies problems, improving UAV resilience. With potential applications for improving real-time UAV safety, this comprehensive methodology enhances fault diagnosis.


unmanned aerial vehicles; fault diagnostics; genetic-tuna swarm optimized deep neural network (GTSO-DNN); propeller model; principal component analysis (PCA); gated recurrent unit (GRU)

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