
An improved algorithm architecture for trust generation in Social Cloud using improved meta-heuristic

Santosh Kumar, Sandip Kumar Goyal


In the rapidly evolving landscape of Social Cloud, where online networks leverage real-life social relationships, the assessment of cloud service provider quality hinges on established trust and reputation. This study addresses the crucial factors influencing service quality by delving into multi-user collaboration, resource sharing, and feedback within the Social Cloud. The problem of selection of strong and trustworthy service provider is addressed in this article. Our approach involves a two-fold process. Firstly, we employ a statistical evaluation to generate trust in cloud services. Secondly, optimization strategies are introduced through the application of the artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm, drawing inspiration from the social group behaviour of honey bees. This innovative methodology aims to enhance the trustworthiness and reliability of deployed cloud services in the Social Cloud environment. To validate our proposed framework, we conduct simulation analyses comparing its performance against existing approaches. The results showcase the effectiveness of our method, which, inspired by ABC as a metaheuristic technique, establishes a trustworthy and reliable foundation for cloud services within the dynamic Social Cloud context. This work contributes to the ongoing discourse on trust evaluation in cloud services, offering a novel perspective and practical insights.


Social Cloud; artificial bee colony (ABC); trust generation

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