
Computing the Population Mean in Stratified Sampling Using an Auxiliary Attribute

Abdullah A Zaagan, Mutum Zico Meetei, Shreyanshu Singh, Rajesh Gupta, Subhash Kumar Yadav, Mukesh Kumar Verma


This paper proposes a novel ratio type estimator for the population mean using an auxiliary attribute by implying one auxiliary variable in stratified random sampling using conventional product, exponential, and logarithmic ratio type estimators. The proposed estimator’s MSE and PRE are determined, and PRE is compared with existing estimators. The proposed estimator is more effective than other existing estimators according to theoretical observations, which verifies its numerical examples. The proposed estimator may be used for practical applicability in real life, including agricultural sciences, biological sciences, commercial sciences, economic sciences, engineering sciences, medical sciences, social sciences etc.


Study Variable; Auxiliary Attribute; Ratio Type Estimators; PRE

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Copyright (c) 2024 Abdullah A Zaagan, Mutum Zico Meetei, Shreyanshu Singh, Rajesh Gupta, Subhash Kumar Yadav, Mukesh Kumar Verma

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