
A Blockchain-based secure Internet of Medical Things framework for smart healthcare

Surjeet Dalal, Umesh Kumar Lilhore, Sarita Simaiya, Ashish Sharma, Vivek Jaglan, Manish Kumar, Monika Jangra, Nitin Goyal, Arun Kumar Rana


The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) industry has grown lightning during the estimated time frame. Privacy and security are essential concerns given the scale and widespread use of IoMT networks. Blending healthcare data in one place storage device to prepare an effective predictive model, on the other hand, increases more severe security and privacy issues, ownership, and regulation. An advanced system is required to enhance information utilization while restricting privacy issues. This research presents a new architecture to address security and privacy challenges in ehealthcare services in Healthcare 5.0. This paper integrates the distributed ledger technology (DLT) with IoMT. This integration has become necessary due to the growing demand for e-health-related technologies and services. The proposed solution in this research is based on a Blockchain framework to enhance medical data privacy and integrity. This research evidence found that Blockchain can overcome IoMT privacy and data protection. The proposed framework has farreaching consequences for the medical field. The proposed method has reduced Commit time by up to 10 seconds, and Commutative probability has been gained to 88%. It has advantages, including faster data exchange, less duplication of effort, and more secure patient information.


Blockchain; Internet of Medical Things; security; privacy; Internet of Things; Health 5.0

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Copyright (c) 2023 Surjeet Dalal, Umesh Kumar Lilhore, Sarita Simaiya, Ashish Sharma, Vivek Jaglan, Manish Kumar, Monika Jangra, Nitin Goyal, Arun Kumar Rana

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