
Classification of skin lesion using deep convolutional neural network by applying transfer learning

Danish Jamil, Farheen Qazi, Dur-E-Shawar Agha, Sellappan Palaniappan


The early and accurate diagnosis of skin cancer is crucial for improving patient outcomes and reducing the need for invasive biopsies. This study proposes a deep learning model for classifying skin malignancy using transfer learning and data augmentation techniques to address limitations observed in previous models and enhance diagnostic accuracy. The approach involves applying transfer learning to a pre-trained ResNet152 architecture using tensorflow and keras. Data augmentation techniques are employed on a dataset consisting of 10,015 skin lesion images obtained from the international skin imaging collaboration (ISIC) 2018 challenge, which encompasses diverse lesion types, sizes, and colors, posing a challenging classification task. Binary cross-entropy serves as the loss function, and the Adam optimizer is utilized for training the model. The results demonstrate a specificity of 87.42% and an F1 score of 0.854, outperforming other models in the field. These statistical findings highlight the effectiveness of transfer learning and data augmentation techniques in improving the accuracy of skin cancer diagnosis. The novelty of this study lies in the combination of transfer learning and data augmentation methods to enhance diagnostic accuracy. However, it is important to acknowledge the limitations of this study, including the necessity for further investigation to evaluate the clinical practicality of the model and address potential biases. Future research could explore the application of this model in a clinical setting and the development of models for detecting other types of skin lesions. In conclusion, the proposed deep learning model based on the ResNet152 architecture showcases promising results in the classification of skin lesions, demonstrating its potential for accurate skin cancer diagnosis. With further research and improvement, these models have the potential to revolutionize healthcare, improving patient outcomes, reducing healthcare costs, and increasing accessibility to screening and diagnosis, particularly for underserved populations.


skin malignancy; deep learning; data augmentation; transfer learning; skin lesion; biopsy reduction; diagnosis accuracy

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