
Comprehensive robustness evaluation of an automatic writer identification system using convolutional neural networks

Irfan Hamid, Rameez Raja, Monika Anand, Vijay Karnatak, Aleem Ali


This research paper presents a convolutional neural network (CNN) model for identifying handwritten Urdu characters. A dataset of 38 fundamental Urdu characters from 100 different writers in the Kashmir valley was manually collected. The developed system was trained on a training dataset of 30,400 samples and verified on a test dataset of 7600 samples, and it outperformed previously proposed AI based writer identification systems in Urdu language with an identification rate of 91.44 percent for 38 classes. This study highlights the effectiveness of deep learning techniques in solving the challenging task of the Urdu writer identification. The findings demonstrate the potential of the developed CNN model for real-world applications in handwritten character recognition and verification systems. Future work involves expanding the dataset to include numerals and isolated characters for improved system performance.


deep learning; convolutional neural network; Urdu characters; text independent; text identification

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Copyright (c) 2023 Irfan Hamid, Rameez Raja, Monika Anand, Vijay Karnatak, Aleem Ali

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