
A Study of Neural Machine Translation from Chinese to Urdu

Zeeshan Khan


Machine Translation (MT) is used for giving a translation from a source language to a target language. Machine translation simply translates text or speech from one language to another language, but this process is not sufficient to give the perfect translation of a text due to the requirement of identification of whole expressions and their direct counterparts. Neural Machine Translation (NMT) is one of the most standard machine translation methods, which has made great progress in the recent years especially in non-universal languages. However, local language translation software for other foreign languages is limited and needs improving. In this paper, the Chinese language is translated to the Urdu language with the help of Open Neural Machine Translation (OpenNMT) in Deep Learning. Firstly, a Chineseto Urdu language sentences datasets were established and supported with Seven million sentences. After that, these datasets were trained by using the Open Neural Machine Translation (OpenNMT) method. At the final stage, the translation was compared to the desired translation with the help of the Bleu Score Method.


Machine Translation; Neural Machine Translation; Non-Universal Languages; Chinese; Urdu; Deep Learning

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