
Future of urban architectural design based on the concept of smart city

Kaled H. Mudhee


Urbanization is an unstoppable global phenomenon, with over half of the world's population now residing in cities. This rapid urban growth presents both opportunities and challenges for architects and city planners. The concept of the smart city has emerged as a promising approach to address these challenges and transform our urban environments into more efficient, sustainable, and livable spaces. Smart cities leverage advanced technologies to enhance various aspects of urban life, including transportation, energy management, healthcare, and public services. The quality of urban architectural design directly determines the city’s development and the people’s quality of life. Today, the concept of a smart city puts strict requirements for urban architectural design. To fully meet the actual needs of social development, it should be reasonably applied to urban architectural design to provide strong support for architectural design. Based on this, this article mainly analyzes the key points and required conditions of urban architectural design under the concept of a smart city, and finally puts forward some effective application countermeasures.


smart city; urban; architectural design; design performance

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