
Principal component analysis and DEA: A combined measure

Neha Sharma, Sandeep Kumar Mogha, R.K. Pavan Kumar Pannala


The present study is focused on the integrated DEA method using principal component analysis (PCA) applied in the case of Indian Hotels and Restaurants. According to the given choice of the principle, several combinations of input-output principal components have been selected. The adopted method was applied to the data set of selected 45 Indian H&Rs and measured the performance of each H&R under each input-output PC combination. H&Rs are ranked based on the efficiencies and calculated a linear trend between the ranks obtained under each combination of input-output principal components. The top-ten H&Rs are identified and further applied to all the adopted methods on them. It is noticed that five H&Rs namely Royal Twinkle Star Club Pvt. Ltd., Classic Citi Invsts. Pvt. Ltd., Nehru Place Hotels Pvt. Ltd., Mcdonald’s India Pvt. Ltd., and Sodexo Food Solutions India Pvt. Ltd., are the most efficient among the selected 45 H&Rs.


hotel industry; restaurant; efficiency; data envelopment analysis; PCA; combined PCA-DEA; India

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