
Visualizing trends on animation art therapy: A bibliometric analysis

Fangling Pei


By permitting greater user engagement and enhancing user expression, Animation’s expressiveness component aids in improving the efficacy of Art Therapy sessions. Although considered an effective approach, literature studies investigating the impact of Animation therapy on users are limited. The aim of this study is to analyse trends in the field of Animated Art Therapy through literature search method. Data using VOSviewer, R, and Biblioshiny for data visualization. The finding shows that Animation therapy is an effective method of regulating mental health and well-being within an artistic medium. Animation therapy can not only help therapists and users solve problems better in the professional field but also guide the public to release psychological pressure and achieve self-healing. Further research is needed on the long-term impact of Animation Art Therapy and trends, highlighting the possibilities and development prospects of disciplinary integration.


animation art therapy; user; bibliometrics analysis; mental health; well being

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