
The integration of technological devices for the development of oral interaction competence in secondary schools

Hafida Boufnichel, Driss Louiz


History tells us about a mutation in the conception of learning: the linear or transmissive conception is succeeded by the interactional conception, which envisages learning as a developmental process based on co-action and collaboration. This conceptual shift has had a major impact on the didactics of foreign languages (FL/L2), where we are witnessing a change in both the object and the teaching-learning method. Indeed, if in the era of behaviorism and structural linguistics, the objective was to develop linguistic competence in the learner through structural exercises, and that during the 1970s–1980s, with the emergence of the cognitivist movement, sociolinguistics, speech act theory and pragmatics, the objective of learning L2s became the development of communication skills in the target language, a little later , and from the beginning of the 90s, having experienced the flagship of the socio-constructivist current and the interactionist theory of development, the individualist concept of learning is widely criticized and it is the interaction skill that we seek to develop among the learner through collaborative activities in person and remotely, the latter becoming possible thanks to the development of information and communication technologies (ICT). The objective of school training is to prepare a citizen capable of integrating into a professional world which is based on interaction and collaboration in the realization of projects and in which the use of technologies continues to expand. increase. The idea that challenged us in our research is to know to what extent the new learning paradigm is interpreted by institutional didactics. The analysis of the school textbook Le Français au Collège, designed for the second year of the secondary school cycle, revealed to us a gap between the theoretical anchoring and what is proposed as an oral methodological approach.


interaction skills; ICT; textbook; ALMT

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