
COVID-19: Epidemiological and clinical characteristics in Morocco

Mounia Es-sarhir, Abdelhalem Mesfioui, Hinde Hami


Introduction: Since the identification of the novel coronavirus disease associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, it has rapidly disseminated globally, resulting in the onset of a severe respiratory illness known as COVID-19. Notably, the SARS-CoV-2 virus exhibits the capacity to induce multi-organ involvement, including the central and peripheral nervous systems in certain individuals. Consequently, a diverse array of neurological manifestations stemming from SARS-CoV-2 infection has been recognized. This study aims to discern the epidemiological characteristics of COVID-19 and explore its various clinical manifestations within the context of Morocco. Materials and Methods: Our retrospective epidemiological study spanned a 5-month period from April to August 2020. Employing a comprehensive data collection methodology, we sought to amass detailed information to comprehensively grasp various facets of the phenomenon under investigation. Results: In our investigation, Kenitra Provincial Hospital admitted 658 cases to the COVID-19 isolation unit, with 309 cases testing positive. The average age of hospitalized individuals during this period was 34.75, ranging from 1 to 86 years. Notably, females exhibited a higher susceptibility to COVID-19. Upon analyzing the clinical manifestations observed during COVID-19 infection, neurological manifestations were particularly noteworthy. Specifically, 54.04% of SARS-CoV-2 cases experienced ageusia, 53.39% presented with anosmia, and 43.36% suffered from headaches. These neurological symptoms ageusia, anosmia and headaches emerged as the most prevalent among confirmed COVID-19 patients, suggesting their specificity to this particular disease. Conclusion: COVID-19 is capable of inducing severe respiratory complications, and the implicated virus can precipitate multi-organ failure, including neurological manifestations. In accordance with our study and relevant literature, anosmia and ageusia appear to be distinctive symptoms of COVID-19. Intriguingly, women seem to exhibit a greater susceptibility to the loss of smell and taste than men, a phenomenon that warrants further investigation.


Anosmia; Ageusia

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