
Comparative analysis of machine learning classification algorithms for predicting olive anthracnose disease

Klimentia Kottaridi, Anna Milionis, Vasilis Demopoulos, Vasileios Nikolaidis, Polina C. Tsalgatidou, Athanasios Tsafouros, Anastasios Kotsiras, Alexandros Vithoulkas


Olive anthracnose (OA) is the most damaging fungal disease of the olive tree worldwide. In the context of integrated pest management, the development of predictive models could be used for early diagnosis and control. In the current study, a dataset consisting of 58 cases, coming from 5 locations and 12 olive cultivars, was used to study the relationship between ΟΑ incidence (OAI) and 35 heterogeneous variables. These variables include orchard characteristics, olive fruit parameters, foliar and soil nutrients, soil parameters and soil texture classes. The Random Forest-Recursive Feature Elimination with Cross Validation (RF-RFECV) feature selection method identified Location, water content, P, Ca, Mg, exchangeable Mg, trace Zn, trace Cu as possible new indicators associated with OAI. The objective of this study was to investigate whether these variables have a predictive value for OAI. Six different machine learning classification algorithms, namely decision tree (DT), gradient boosting (GB), logistic regression (LR), random forest (RF), k-nearest neighbors (KNN) and support vector machine (SVM), were developed for predicting conditions leading to OAI > 0% and 10%. Grid search hyperparameter optimization was employed to optimize model parameters. The final models were evaluated in terms of several standard metrics, such as accuracy, sensitivity, specificity and ROC AUC score. Findings suggested that GB performance was superior compared to the other models for the prediction of the occurrence of OA disease (OAI > 0%) with an accuracy of 86.7%, a sensitivity of 100%, a specificity of 75% and a ROC-AUC score of 93%, while for the prediction of the spread of the disease (OAI > 10%), DT stood out with an accuracy of 86.7%, a sensitivity of 81.8%, a specificity of 100% and a ROC-AUC score of 91%.


olive anthracnose; machine learning; forecast models; classification algorithms; soil nutrients

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Copyright (c) 2024 Klimentia Kottaridi, Anna Milionis, Vasilis Demopoulos, Vasileios Nikolaidis, Polina C. Tsalgatidou, Athanasios Tsafouros, Anastasios Kotsiras, Alexandros Vithoulkas

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