
Deep learning framework for forest fire detection using optical images

Devendhar Gogula, Pranav Kumar, Rakesh Sharma


Reducing environmental and wildlife losses is a burning challenge as the planet’ s temperature is increasing. Natural calamities, such as forest fires, have a significant influence on both the acceleration of global warming and the sustenance of life on Earth. Research into the automatic diagnosis of forest fires is essential to investigate which can reduce the likelihood of catastrophic events. Early fire detection can also assist decision-makers in planning measures of mitigation and strategies for extinguishing the blaze. The issue with the existing fire detection methods is that there are many false alarms due to the lesser accuracy of the system. This study investigates the ability to spot fires in images using transfer learning models like ResNet50, InceptionV3, and EfficientNetV2L for four different algorithms in terms of accuracy, precision, and recall metrics. Experimental results are also evaluated based on training time, testing accuracy, and validation accuracy. The study addressed the deficiencies that are present in the existing infrastructure and developed a method that is both effective and reliable in its ability to detect forest fires in the beginning stages, with the end goal of preventing the annual waste of tones of resources that is caused by fires.


forest fire; machine learning; deep learning; fire detection

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