
Truck drivers’ behaviour on road traffic crash involvement: A structural equation modeling approach

Olusegun Austine Taiwo, Sitti Asmah Hassan, Rahmat Mohsin, Norashikin Mahmud


Truck drivers significantly enhance global economic development due to the varying and bulk freight transport from one end to another. However, their involvement in road traffic crashes usually results in significant losses of lives and properties. There are sparse studies on the influence of driving behaviours of truck drivers on road traffic crashes, especially in developing countries like Nigeria. A total of 880 commercial truck drivers participated and completed the driver behaviour questionnaire. The structural equation modeling approach was used in the analysis to examine the influence of truck drivers’ behaviours on crash involvement in Nigeria. The results showed that driving violations, driving errors, and inattention errors were significantly associated with road traffic crash involvement, while positive driving behaviour was negatively significant. The analysis further revealed a significant relationship between crash involvement and sociodemographic factors, notably age and driving experience, whereas no significant association was observed with educational background. The findings suggest crash involvement among truck drivers can be reduced by addressing violation, error, and inattention, while positive behaviours should be encouraged through training programs and policy formulations.


drivers behaviour; road traffic crash; sociodemographic; structural equation modeling; truck drivers

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