
Adaptive Threshold Fuzzy C-Means (ATFCM) VMmigration and resource optimization based dynamic scheduling for edge-cloud computing environments

S. Supriya, K. Dhanalakshmi


The method of delivery of information technology services has changed according to cloud computing. The latest generation of IoT applications benefits from low latency response offered by edge-cloud computing architecture. The migration procedure suffers when there is insufficient network capacity available. This further increases the difficulty of scheduling and resource monitoring. In this study, (1) Average Migration Time (AMT), Average Energy Consumption (AEC), Average Response Time (ART), and Average Service Level Agreement Violations (SLAV) evaluation parameters are minimised using Mutation Donkey and Smuggler Optimisation (MDSO). The amount of load that they can manage, data centre servers are categorised into four groups using Adaptive Threshold Fuzzy C-Means (ATFCM) clustering: extremely low load, mild load, medium load, maximum load. ATFCM moves thevirtual machine (VM) on maximum loaded or extremely low loaded hosts to very lowly loaded hosts. Utilising host information from Resource Monitoring Service (RMS), Residual Recurrent Neural Network (R2N2). Asynchronous advantage actor critical (A3C) learning is acknowledged for its ability to swiftly adapt to dynamic settings with fewer data, whereas R2N2 for rapid updating of model parameters. When contrasted to modern methods, trials done on practical applications data sets in areas of energy usage, SLA, response time, and running costs.


deep reinforcement learning; edge computing; Residual Recurrent Neural Network (R2N2); Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic; Mutation Donkey and Smuggler Optimization (MDSO) algorithm

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