
Wireless sensor network based V2V connectivity in VANET

R. Usha, M. Prabha, Nishit Kumar Srivastava, B. G. Mamatha Bai, S. Gopinath, T. Meeradevi, R. Senthamil Selvan, Pooja E. Sakunde


When it comes to vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are crucial for enhancing vehicle connectivity. An essential technology that enables vehicle-to-vehicle networking is IEEE 802.11p. This research presents a novel method for improving V to V interaction through the use of wireless sensors networks (WSNs), which overcomes limitations such as limited data transmission capacity and dynamic network topologies. The optimal data exchange rate can be determined by implementing rate adaptation algorithms, which take channel characteristics like data losses into account. The incorporation of sensors in automobiles establishes a decentralized network that enables the instantaneous conversion of data, encompassing traffic locations, road dangers, and vehicle positions. WSN-based V2V networking facilitates the creation of intelligent transportation networks, enabling vehicles to make educated decisions by exchanging information. The purpose of this research is to enhance the creation of modern connectivity systems using VANET and examine the results through effective simulation using NS2.35.


rate adaptation; vehicle-to-vehicle safety communications

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