
Wireless sensor network and IoT based V2V connectivity, minimization of hazardous environment

Prabha M., Venkata Srihari Babu D., Muniyandy Elangovan, Shobha P., Arunlal C. K., Senthamil Selvan R., Senthil Kumar A.


The majority of contracts embraced water damage addresses to alert all knobs, in addition to traffic regulations and the accident, so vehicular random networks (VANETs) are expected to develop secure transportation networks by providing timely and efficient data distribution. Since VANETs are distribution-type connections capable of making significant contributions to advances in terms of roadway security, they are expected to develop secure transportation networks. A bundle-based strategy (BBS), in which a group leader is assigned to one of several transporters and a method that allows for the development of the corresponding positions of the nearby knobs, serves as the primary foundation for the suggested approach. One way such notions are defined is the distance where each bunch head forms a neighbourhood coordinate system, and the positions of all the members of its group are calculated by using distances measured between transportation. To minimize the time spent in hazardous conditions under the control of a single system as the initial group’s head, the worldwide systems are thought to be identical. The new proposed BBS method provides adequate location information and efficiency to support fundamental network functions.


VANETs; DSRC; media access control (MAC); carrier sense multi-access with collision mitigation (CSMA/CA); on board units (OBUs); WIFI access in a vehicle (WAVE)

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