
Influence of travel experience on travel intentions and tourist behavior

Ayodele Oluyinka Solomon, Adolf Josef Yao, Rejoice L. Ferrer, Maria N. Cusipag


The tourists’ level of destination certainly affects their travel intentions. Individuals’ preferences, expectations, motivations, and satisfaction based on prior travel experiences all have an impact on travel destination. Thus, this study aims to determine whether the factors of Extended Theory of Planned Behavior have any impact on tourist’s future travel intentions and their behavior to create new ideas and develop new strategic ways to travel again. Quantitative research design was employed in analyzing the data collected from a total of 414 respondents via an online survey questionnaire.  Only Filipinos from the National Capital Region (NCR) who already traveled internationally were considered. WarpPLS 7.0 was used to examine the results using variance-based path modeling. It was revealed that attitude has a significant impact on prior travel experience   just as in prior travel experience and travel intention, including travel intention and behavior. Meanwhile, three hypotheses were not supported (p ≥ 0.01): subjective norms have no significant impact on prior travel experience; neither has perceived behavioral control on prior travel experience; and that perceived behavioral control has no substantial effect on behavior either. It was concluded that the factors have an impact on tourists’ future travel intentions. The tourism industry is currently engaged in several initiatives that restore peoples’ interest to travel and support rehabilitation; hence, this research would contribute another idea and be advantageous in the long run. The researchers recommend that the tourism industry work with other industries connected to travel; researchers and tourism officials alleviate issues in the tourism industry; have more in-depth research; and contribute more to the existing body of knowledge in this research study.


attitude; tourism industry; travel experience; travel intention; satisfaction

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