
Stroke risk prediction with 5G infrastructure based learning framework

A. Revathi, K. Santhi, R. Swathi, P.V.R.D. Prasad Rao


Due to the lack of an effective remedy, stroke becomes worldwide cause of death and long-term impairment. Despite the need for deep learning-based approaches on extensive and well labeled data, they possess the potential to outperform existing algorithms for predicting stroke risk. Moreover, there exists a significant disparity between the instances of favorable and unfavorable occurrences within this dataset. By using the specialized knowledge of a related field, transferable knowledge aids in resolving minor data difficulties, especially when many data sources are available. This paper introduces a novel stroke risk assessment system dubbed HDTL-SRP, which utilizes a hybrid deep transfer learning approach to leverage information from several associated resources, such as external stock data and data on chronic conditions like hypertension and diabetes. After undergoing rigorous testing in both simulated and actual scenarios, the recommended framework outperforms the most powerful stroke prediction algorithms. Additionally, it showcases the feasibility of utilizing 5G/B5G infrastructures to provide assistance for several hospitals in real-world scenarios.


deep learning; framework; risk prediction; 5G systems

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