
The utilisation of mobile payment systems among construction workers in India, with a focus on the influence of customer convenience

Ashutosh Gadekar, Yogesh Mahajan, Chanakya Kumar, Anjali Sane, Suraj Sharma


The paper studies the adoption and diffusion of mobile payments among construction workers in India, which constitute 12.4 % of the workforce. This research paper investigates the effects of the post-corona epidemic on the adoption of mobile payment systems among Indian construction workers using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). A questionnaire was filled out by 405 construction workers in India. The data was analysed using structural equation modelling. The results show that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, facilitating conditions, and social influence significantly influence the construction workers' behavioural intention (BI). The mode of payment/customer convenience moderates between facilitating conditions and behavioural intention. The adoption of mobile payments among construction workers is investigated, as well as the moderating effects of payment mode on response efficacy and behavioural intention. In the literature, scarce research has been available on the adoption of mobile payments by construction workers.


Construction workers, UTAUT, mobile payment, behavioural intention, moderator, actual use

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