
Mechanical Structure Design and Optimization of a Humanoid Robot Arm for Education

Kevin Morales, Carlos Hoyos, Jesús M. García


This paper introduces the mechanical structure design and construction of a four degree of freedom humanoid robot arm for teaching purposes. The project started from the concept development stage and obtained six suggestions to meet the needs of customers. Then, the concept to be developed is selected according to the product specification. For the proposed concept, seven redesign phases were carried out to achieve the final design proposal. Specifically, continuous simulation steps are carried out to analyze the dynamic response of the structure under load, observe the stress state of each component, and adjust the size of the connecting rod according to the previously defined constraints and specifications. Based on the results obtained, a structure conforming to the original design specification is generated, taking into account the limitations related to the servo motor to be used and the maximum load to be handled. Finally, the kinematics models of the straight arm and reverse arm of the developed product are given.


Manipulator Anthropomorphic Arm; Mechanical Design; Educational Robot

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