
Mining timed sequential patterns: The Minits-AllOcc technique

Somayah Karsoum, Clark Barrus, Le Gruenwald, Eleazar Leal


Sequential pattern mining is one of the data mining tasks used to find the subsequences in a sequence dataset that appear together in order based on time. Sequence data can be collected from devices, such as sensors, GPS, or satellites, and ordered based on timestamps, which are the times when they are generated/collected. Mining patterns in such data can be used to support many applications, including transportation recommendation systems, transportation safety, weather forecasting, and disease symptom analysis. Numerous techniques have been proposed to address the problem of how to mine subsequences in a sequence dataset; however, current traditional algorithms ignore the temporal information between the itemset in a sequential pattern. This information is essential in many situations. Though knowing that measurement Y occurs after measurement X is valuable, it is more valuable to know the estimated time before the appearance of measurement Y, for example, to schedule maintenance at the right time to prevent railway damage. Considering temporal relationship information for sequential patterns raises new issues to be solved, such as designing a new data structure to save this information and traversing this structure efficiently to discover patterns without re-scanning the database. In this paper, we propose an algorithm called Minits-AllOcc (MINIng Timed Sequential Pattern for All-time Occurrences) to find sequential patterns and the transition time between itemsets based on all occurrences of a pattern in the database. We also propose a parallel multi-core CPU version of this algorithm, called MMinits-AllOcc (Multi-core for MINIng Timed Sequential Pattern for All-time Occurrences), to deal with Big Data. Extensive experiments on real and synthetic datasets show the advantages of this approach over the brute-force method. Also, the multi-core CPU version of the algorithm is shown to outperform the single-core version on Big Data by 2.5X.


Data Mining; Sequential Pattern Mining; Timed Sequential Patterns; Singe-core and Multi-core Processor

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